A matter close to the heart
Some things are particularly close to our hearts. They are, in the truest sense of the word, a matter of the heart.
Children who are born with disabilities or who have to cope with extreme health restrictions at a young age are particularly in need of special help and support. Financial resources are needed to make many things possible.
We have been supporting the Fördergemeinschaft Deutsche Kinderherzzentren e.V. and the Stiftung Bethel for many years.
We are also very impressed by the medical and humanitarian aid provided by the organisation Doctors Without Borders in crisis areas. That is why we have participated in the Christmas donation campaign a number of times.
In the event of special circumstances, such as the flood disaster in the Ahr valley in 2021, we are happy to provide support and make a small contribution with our donation.
However, the ongoing crises have also left many of our fellow citizens in need here at home, with hardly enough to make ends meet. We want to help here. That is why, for a few years now, our Christmas donation has been going to the Bielefeld and Herford food banks.
Our employees also get together every year and donate additional great Christmas parcels for the Minden food bank.